1. We like this campaign for its Christmas creativity. Fun and fresh the ‘Show your Joe’ ad was risky, and brought both positive and negative feedback generating a buzz around Joe boxers.

2. 'Simple Dreams’ was created in support of the Salvation Army. This ad resonates with many, as the simple wishes of the child aren’t unrealistic, they are actually necessities. We all want to eat, dream and be warm, inside and out.

3. 'Pampers poo-face' ad shows scentless signs someone needs a diaper change. This campaign was cute and successful in generating buzz around the company and its line of products. With over two million views, this ad literally celebrates your little poo.

4. Creative as it is cool, the Molson Canadian Beer Fridge brought buzz and beer to select countries, raising global and local PR by millions, while enjoying the craft of Canadian beer.